Greetings, Dmitry!
Make yourself comfortable! Relax! You are among friends!
(Although sometimes we bicker like wolverines, we are the happiest people on Earth!)
my name is dmitry!
(i apologize for my english.
i am from ukraine and wanted to expand communication with exjw.. well, what about yourself?
Greetings, Dmitry!
Make yourself comfortable! Relax! You are among friends!
(Although sometimes we bicker like wolverines, we are the happiest people on Earth!)
wazzup, cultists?.
today i am very pleased to suggest for your viewing pleasure the film the endless, by the directoral team of moorhead & benson.. .
a synopsis?
Thank you, ZNMD, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Is "Calibre" the 2012 movie "Calibre 9"? and is "Apostle" the 1997 "The Apostle"?
I've seen both "The Apostle" and "As Above So Below" - both are excellent. Keep the suggestions coming!
i haven't seen reference to this article on the forum, so would like to post a link to an article that was published by the atlantic on 22 march 2019.. .
only factual matter that i could correct is the number of gb members at the time of the australian royal commission - i'm pretty sure it was 7 at that time..
Thanks! I'm going to share this with "people of goodwill."
wazzup, cultists?.
today i am very pleased to suggest for your viewing pleasure the film the endless, by the directoral team of moorhead & benson.. .
a synopsis?
Wazzup, Cultists?
Today I am very pleased to suggest for your viewing pleasure the film The Endless, by the directoral team of Moorhead & Benson.
A synopsis? Sure! Following their Lovecraftian modern cult classic SPRING, acclaimed filmmakers Moorhead and Benson return with this mind-bending thriller that follows two brothers who receive a cryptic video message inspiring them to revisit the UFO death cult they escaped a decade earlier. Hoping to find the closure that they couldn t as young men, they re forced to reconsider the cult s beliefs when confronted with unexplainable phenomena surrounding the camp. As the members prepare for the coming of a mysterious event, the brothers race to unravel the seemingly impossible truth before their lives become permanently entangled with the cult.
look at this - the percentage of americans who have no religious affiliation is now higher than any religious group!.
next step, a majority!.
AH! GOOD NEWS! I was worried you would be telling us that the grifter formerly known as STEPHAN T MCGUIRE was back!
(see if curious.)
I failed to see any mention of this, so I thought I would toss it out for discussion:
"Black Liars Matter!"
i know a few family's who have left the cult but send their kids to a religious school because of the public schools teaching many times that homosexuality is ok. the bible is clear that its a sin.
there is no just love each other and its all ok. i don't believe in the bible or any religion.
i have a niece who came out as gay and i told her i don't care.
Littlerockguy said, "Teaching your kids that homosexuality is wrong may or will give them justification to judge, ostracize and make fun of gays and make kids who are gay believe that they are seriously flawed and it is their fault they are gay and that God, if god exists, hates them."
Would you also suggest that giving them math skills and a strong work ethic would be improper because it might cause them to make negative judgments of people who cannot balance their checkbook or do shoddy work?
i know a few family's who have left the cult but send their kids to a religious school because of the public schools teaching many times that homosexuality is ok. the bible is clear that its a sin.
there is no just love each other and its all ok. i don't believe in the bible or any religion.
i have a niece who came out as gay and i told her i don't care.
While a certain percentage of various types of mammals might be demonstrably homosexual, I doubt that anyone can argue that homosexuality is in any way a positive trait when viewed evolutionarily.
Homosexuality is as "beneficial" as being born without a limb.
I say this as someone who knows that a number of the members of this discussion group are homosexual, and as a person who knows that various "celebrities" whose work I enjoy are homosexual, and as a person who has had friends and co-workers who were homosexual.
I am no more hostile toward homosexuals than I am toward any other disabled person, but I also refuse to CELEBRATE homosexuality as some "fabulously" admirable trait. If a male is born with microphallus, do we put him on a dais and throw flowers at him? Some might, but I don't. I refuse to be POLITICALLY CORRECT by pretending that disabilities are assets.
When I meet people I try to judge them on the basis of their actions rather than by what is going on beneath their underpants, but when such persons violate my boundaries by thrusting their underpants in my face, I take offense.
Your mileage may vary.
hello all, first post.
i've been lurking for months and figured it was time to post a few things, i've been pimo for the last couple of years.. i was doing some thinking about an adult refusing a blood transfusion, especially one that has several children.
when you married and had children, you signed up to take care of them, to love and protect them.
BourneIdentity, when I saw your subject line I was concerned that this might be a real situation you were facing.
i was greatly relieved to see it was just an intellectual theoretical exercise.
Peace out!
after seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Coded Logic attempted a rebuttal of Bad_Wolf's statement "it's that many SNEAKING IN ILLEGALLY are criminals" by saying, "This is patently false. The criminal rate for immigrants - legal or otherwise - is lower than the American population."
...and all this time I thought that people who were guilty of ILLEGAL ACTIONS could properly be described as CRIMINALS.
Here's a fact: the CRIMINALITY of illegal immigrants is 100% because they entered the USA illegally!
Conversely, the CRIMINALITY of legal immigrants, judged by the way they entered the USA, is ZERO percent! If they commit crimes after entering the USA legal, they RUIN the excellent start they had!
Does Mexico have open borders? No.
Does any country in the world have open borders? No.
Why should the USA have open borders? Enlighten me.